This Little Piggie Went to Market

Leslie Kaminoff (2007) has said that our feet have evolved and adapted over the millenia, so that with present day environment, we walk on nice and even surfaces, roadways, sidewalks, etc . and our intrinsic foot muscles get lazy. Figure 1 . Foot Muscles (McDowell, A) Those deeper foot muscles once supported our arches but… Continue reading This Little Piggie Went to Market

Yoga for Runners

Ouch, my foot hurts! Wait, what? Plantar Fasciitis? Then why is this an illustration of a posterior leg? First – runners – why do so many of us experience plantar fasciitis? How do you know if you have it? You’ll know you have it when you get out of bed in the morning feeling like you’ve… Continue reading Yoga for Runners

Yoga as Medicine? “Hell Ya”

Dr. Timothy McCall is a former internist originally hailing from New Jersey. He’s also a pretty cool cat. In an era where practicing yoga (let alone medically advocating for it)  was considered hippyish and unscientific, he made the decision to embark on world wide travels to study with the best – BKS Iyengar, TKV Desikachar.  He seemed compelled to… Continue reading Yoga as Medicine? “Hell Ya”

Sore Shoulders? Stress May Be to Blame

If we consistently feel there is more to be accomplished than our inner resources can provide, we’ll eventually fall into emotional dysregulation – we’ll feel stressed out. In our high tech supercharged world, it happens to most of us. A result of feeling stressed occurs when our bodies release cortisol, known as the stress hormone.… Continue reading Sore Shoulders? Stress May Be to Blame